Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shopping Market Study

So i tried to brain storm all of the prospective audience outlets
of where we could post or present our project

I think something that could be an actual presentation would be best
but i suppose we could do a written submission

Dr Burton suggested Classroom 2.0
They have a call for submissions for their book and also for a virtual conference they are hosting

NCTE takes submissions for journal articles, this is probably a little more formal than we are looking though

UCTE/LA every year they have their conference where teachers present ideas. I attended last year and it was great. we could definitely probably present there and it would be a very appropriate situation to do it at

Central Utah Writing Project has workshops that they do through out the year as well as during the summer. they are more gear towards writing but being as the officers are all our english teacher professors, we may be able to pull something

Secondary Solutions has a blog about teaching that we may be able to submit something to

readwritethink  is a website that takes lesson plans that might be good to submit our ideas to

We also could try to get something with Folger Education  either their blog or their teachers' cite

We could maybe present to one of the BYU classes here on campus
Or there is club/interest group  that i have been trying to facilitate that we could

i think i have exasperated all my teaching ideas.

If all else fails we could just do a you tube video!

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