Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BYU Shakespeare Plays Winter 2012

Upcoming plays on campus this semester.

Merchant of Venice: Jan. 25-Feb 4, 2012

Love's Labor's Lost: March 14-30, 2012

The Comedy of Errors: March 28-29, 2012

Something to look forward to!


  1. Hey, I love the title and design of your blog!

    By the way, it would be better if you could actually create the links rather than just posting URLs. Thanks for putting that info up, though!

    Glad you are in the class. Thanks again for coming to last semester's Engaging Shakespeare event.

  2. @Profe Burton
    Thank you! I am a huge Lady Macbeth fan which I am explaining in my Shakespeare history post... soon to be published.

    Also, thank you for the editing suggestion. Noted and fixed.
    I am looking forward to the semester! The Engaging Shakespeare got me hooked to stay, so I am glad I went!

  3. @Bri- maybe for part of our "Gaining 'Shakespeare Literacy'" we should start a study like group to pursue all of the local plays and some movie adaptations as well?


Out, damned comments! out, I say!