Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pops, if you caused this storm with your mad skills, knock it off!

I would like to thank the "Book Phantom" for the modern Miranda quote  that I used for my title from the line " If by your art, dearest Father, you have Put the waters in this roar, allay them." While doing some brief looking into quotes originating from Shakespeare, I ran into that site. Let me just say I laughed for some time. Husband didn't think it was near as funny as I did.

I started reading The Tempest today. During church. I will admit. I have only read the first act thus far... and need to read more... but I am enjoying it thus far. It is a little romantic-y, but that would make sense since we are reading this for our romantic breadth.

While trying to do my homework during church, I was searching for an e-reader for my phone. I wasnt having the greatest of luck, but some how i ran across this interesting app that had all of  these illustrations that you cans set as your background--i dont quite understand "background" apps but i suppose its convenience. But the illistrations are by Edmund Dulac from around 1908. I thought the pictures were pretty, so when i turn on my phone I first have the awesome reminder of my VIP experience and Chino on my lock screen and then the ever impending doom of reading The Tempest  and Miranda as my background. At least the doom is pretty right?

Blogger confession #1: Does anyone else feel weird randomly posting on all of these blogs of people we dont really know yet? I mean I know we have had 2 class periods together, but i go to blogs and look at the "author" and think 'are they really in my class... I dont even recognize them." So mainly I just feel like a weird stalker creeping on your blogs and like i am leaving creepy unwanted comments haha

Blogger confession #2: while creepily commenting.... I hate your captcha forms.  like really. it would make my life 100% easier if i could just click "comment" with out having to verify an ink smudge of a word.



  1. Your point about being creepy made me wonder why I don't feel creepy reading and posting on strangers' blogs, then I realized I facebook creep way too much and am now desensitized...

    Sometimes I feel lame when I have to hit the handicap button because I can't decipher the smudge marks either.

  2. haha my worry is more that other people think i am creepy by me randomly posting on all their stuff because i can say that i do my fair share of modern stalking as well!

  3. Yes, I do feel weird posting on everyone else's posts at this point. :) Anywho...Just wanted to make a small correction: Shakespeare's romance plays aren't actually meant to be romantic in the sense that we think of romance. They're actually a combination of comedy and tragedy. This link explains more about his romances and exactly what they are.

  4. Thank you Jill. I did not know that. In the dark I was living. Yet, it still is romantic in our sense haha

  5. Haha...I hate those stupid verification smudges too! Especially when I spell the stupid thing correctly and it still says it's wrong!


Out, damned comments! out, I say!