Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Merchant of Venice: Back to High School Edition

So I had the intention that I was going to experience The Merchant of Venice as a high school student
I am not sure how I was going to do this or what I was thinking when I originally thought of it, but I got completely distracted.

I did find some great resources for teachers!

Judith Elstein created a complete unit for the Merchant of Venice
I like how much she scaffolds the lessons
The students rework the play several different ways
and also in very hand on ways
It was interesting that for one of the activities
she had students cut apart a book of the play
and then paste the pages to wall
and high light things through the entire play
i think this is really interesting
and would work very well for visualizing everything
but i think it would be over whelming using the entire text
it would however make students very comfortable with the actual lines

Folger Shakespeare Library has a huge
database of resources for teachers
they have all sorts of activities and resources
it looks like a great site for teachers
and they also have a Folger Shakespeare Education Blog

I have been watching for something good to chime in on
so hopefully I will be able to make some good conversation
in the bear future to report back on

Anyways! these look like great resources that
I will have to remember when I have my own classroom!


  1. I looked at the Elstein teaching unit for Merchant of Venice. I thought the fact that it was linked to NCTE standards was relevant, and was interested by the way that there was also an activity it described for students to get into online primary sources for the text.

  2. Thank you for these resources! It's interesting to think about the different perspectives of Shakespeare, whether you are teaching it, learning it in college or learning it as a high school student, or even as a young child.

  3. @ Dr Burton -- I had missed the part where they get into online sources! Perhaps that is something that could be worked into the digital media discussion. The national curriculum was just change to "The Common Core," so it would be interesting to see how the NCTE standards changed to be the Common Core.

    @ Jenny -- That is something I have found very interesting is the different ways you can simply approach Shakespeare. It would also be interesting to see the different experiences these ways bring.


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