Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I have a lot of thoughts.

But I was thinking about this play
and how Dr Burton was saying how important the history plays actually are
and i was thinking about the opening scene where
Caterbury and Ely are discussing this horrible bill
that is going to pass and change their lives
so they decide that Henry needs to invade France

Well i am using my Shakespeare brain and think
that this is somewhat similar to our own lives
SOPA and PIPA are huge life changing things that
could change the way we digitally live

so my solution
some one invade France!

all joking aside

i read a really interesting article from Blogging Shakespeare
also in this idea of the play being related to current events 
Liz Dollimore's article talks about the source of Shakespeare's play
i found this really interesting
this also helps to show a look into Shakespeare's daily life
and shows how much more you can learn and much more you are learning than you think you are

just kind of interesting
and i like what a reader said in the comments with:
"Interesting. Ultimately, everything is allegory."

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this! cool article. also, my favorite part was when you said you were using your "shakespeare brain." i have to use that for this class too.


Out, damned comments! out, I say!