Thursday, January 26, 2012

in which tara takes on her mind.

I always seem to struggle with hearing other people's ideas about their research
and then i get more excited about what they are doing than my own idea.

For my research paper, I really love Macbeth.
It is just a strange passion of mine.
and that should be obvious from my blog title and stuff
so i have thought about focusing specifically on this play
--i dont know how though

but i have done a little bit of research with the last few plays about
the play sources and where Shakespeare seems to be getting his ideas and plot lines

I like this idea for a research paper
but i am struggling narrowing it down and making it work
(of course that is hard when i dont know the specifics even of the paper yet haha)

i also am kind of interested in the sexuality within the plays ---also very broad...yet very racy and interesting!
or adaptations... who doesnt love adaptations..
maybe shakespeare and teaching?

i am just really fighting my brain in a thumb war
of coming up with something really edgy and obscene
and something that interests me and seem as cool as everyone else's ideas

or maybe something with the modernization of shakespeare?
what if combined my ideas into one?

this may make something entirely all too huge
but maybe i could focus in more on one thing or one play
i have an idea of perhaps looking at how plays are modernized with:
-"translating" them into modern english ie No Fear
-changing the plot lines into modern stories with looking at movies like Scotland PA and Macbeth
-maybe working in Shakespeare's sources with how he rewrote known stories with plays to begin with

 this feels like an all too large and wild of an idea...

but, in continuance of this source research i have been doing

i turned back to my friend Liz with her Shakespeare's Sources

rather than going into really deep detail like i have in the past
i am going to mega summarize haha

I remember learning all of this in high school too!

but Macbeth comes from  Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1577. 
he follows many of the exact story details but does leave out facts about Macbeth's father 
he also adds in details from the current king's life.

once again, however, shakespeare uses the known story and makes it much more complex
he ends the story with no known reason why things happen
he never allows Macbeth to be seen as a good king
and as Liz says "it is you the audience who must debate why…. Shakespeare loved to leave his audience with questions."

i am starting to think that Shakespeare obviously purposely takes well know stories
and then adds all of these strange twist, complexities, and changes 
so that the audience will be shocked and have to think

but he must do this because 
if the audience already is familiar with what is happening and with the tale
then shakespeare obviously had to change something to make it spicy
and to give that shock factor and the excitement of coming and seeing a new play

and even if you think about it 
isnt most entertainment already the well know story
just with changes and complexities, and twist

like the typical chick flick love story
the two people always end up together 

so thats what shakespeare did was just take the "love story"
that everyone already has come to enjoy and adore
and come up with the new plot for it
just like cinderelle and ever after and ella enchanted and all of these
and he's got new plays and more money 

and then we modern folk 
take the shakespeare
and create all of these new versions
and new ways to experience it
and love it all over again

and this is kind of my idea of maybe what i could put into a paper
(even though i still am fighting my inter-self for something spicy and racy and interesting and more narrow)

its like a big hippy recycling love fest
all  in the world of literature and Shakespeare.

alright. i am getting blabbery and rambley.
time to go do some zumba....

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand where you are coming from. I have way too many ideas and thoughts. I struggle to come up with something that I could really narrow down and turn into a research paper. I just picked a play and a semblance of direction and plowed ahead. I am praying for something to kind of appear and light the way as I delve into more research.

    I think the idea of doing the background of Macbeth and where the story came from would be really cool. If you got too bored with it or didn't find enough information on it you could also compare it to a single modern adaptation. Then just do a general "story changes" plot-line. I'm not sure you could fit that into an 8-10 pg paper but I think you have a good start.


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