Thursday, February 9, 2012

Teaching Our New Age Brains

I am trying a new thing of posting from the app on my phone so if anything is weird in this post take that for the explanation

first off I feel like i should officially introduce my research paper
it will be a non traditional approach. see more details here
there are a few of us that are looking at things related to education

What I am interested in looking at is the benefits in incorporating different formats for a better  comprehension of Shakespeare and looking with Macbeth specifically

I have talked a lot about the idea of scaffolding teaching. To explain this in more depth --scaffolding is the idea that your pedagogy should build on each other so you.should start with easy ideas and build baby steps on top of the easier ideas with harder ideas to create a complete learning experience

As i was talking to my class peers I was reassured that this is definitely something important because our new age brains require different ways of learning because we are so.distracted. we also talked about how it is important to include multiple modalities or multiple ways for students to learn because not everyone learns just from reading

so that "socially proved" my idea that i want to look into how Shakespeare and Macbeth provide perfect content for our new age brain's requirements I want to look into infographics that Profe Burton suggested, as well as art and character development, actual performance and perhaps other things

The main thing I am worried about is making this more of a research paper rather than a complex lesson plan.... what do you think? Do you think it is not research material or is there a way you see I should tweek it?

1 comment:

  1. I think you can make this into a paper. Honestly, it could end up being instructions on how to write a good set of lesson plans, but that could work just as well.


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